8 Tips to Prevent and Overcome

Professionals in the tech and digital space were in the spotlight during the pandemic and experienced high pressure due to the expectations and business needs to quickly adapt to the circumstances.

More recently we’ve seen several mass layoffs and many tech organizations were not spared, from Microsoft to Atlas Sian we have witnessed lots of them letting people go.

It’s a difficult time not only for those who are now “open to work” but also for those who stay and have to handle the extra workload due to a hiring freeze that was put in place in many companies.

What is Burnout?

The term “burnout” was coined by psychologist Herbert Freudenberg in his 1974 paper Staff Burn-Out. Burnout is a type of psychological stress. Occupational burnout or job burnout is characterized by exhaustion, lack of enthusiasm and motivation, and feelings of ineffectiveness, and it may also have elements of frustration or cynicism. This results in reduced efficacy within the workplace.

8 Tips to Prevent and Overcome Burnout

  1. Values

Discover and reflect on your core values. Get clarity on what matters the most to you with this FREE assessment. mindfulcio.coach/core-values/

  1. Assertiveness

Learn how to negotiate your workload and priorities. Learn ways to say “No” professionally and gracefully without compromising working relationships.

  1. Healthy Boundaries

If you are a “Yes woman” or a “Yes man” remember whenever you say “Yes” to extra work beyond your bandwidth, you are potentially saying “No” to yourself or loved ones.

  1. Mindfulness

Invest 10 minutes a day to practice mindfulness. After 4 weeks you will start noticing seeing positive changes in your mood and energy levels. Use these excellent evidence-based FREE tracks from the University of California (UCLA).

  1. Support Network

Get support. Let your partner or best friend know what’s happening in your inner world. If you aren’t comfortable doing so, then speak to professional. Seeking support from your GP, counsellor or a coach. Asking for help is a sign of strength.

  1. Movement

Get your body moving. When you exercise, your body releases neurochemicals such as

dopamine and endorphin, the natural feel-good drugs.

  1. Good Food & Water

You’ve heard this many times. Still, the basics of food and water are often overlooked when

we’re stressed and make silly choices. You are what you eat (and drink) so invest in high-quality food. Eat fresh, seasonal and local whenever possible. Drink pure and clean water.

  1. Sleep

A good night’s sleep is the best strategy tore set and recharge your body and mind. Establish a sleep hygiene routine to get the most rest out of your sleep. Commit to 7+hours of sleep a night. Avoid screens and stimulating activities 1 hour prior to bed. Catch the melatonin wave by going to bed when you start to feel drowsy.

Start slowly and pick one of the tips above that most resonates with you. Embrace it for 21 days, then measure the impact. Use your body as a laboratory.

Download the infographic to keep these tips top of mind!



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